Thursday, 19 November 2009

Change of Plan...

After an in depth discussion about the project as a whole we felt that it may be necessary to change the direction of the piece slightly.

We decided that the style of painting that Lindsay had produced on the wall was too "ketch" when it was intended to be more serious. So it was left to decide whether he should do another painting or continue working into the original. Lindsay had come up with the idea of trying to paint the Old Guitarist in an abstract style using simple shapes. He is going to practice this style of painting on a huge board before deciding on whether to include it.

Another point that was brought up in the discussion was the amount of clothing pieces used in the final artwork. Some of the group feel that the whole outfit would look effective while others think that there would be too many garments. To see the effect of these ideas we plan on experimenting with different numbers of clothes and where to place them as the whole of the floor space is free for the exhibition.

An idea that seems popular in the group is the idea of creating a web of string that comes from the painting and guitar to connect the clothes to them. This will symbolise the importance of the strings on the guitar and the importance of hearing and music to the blind guitarist. It will also make the piece feel older as we will be trying for a "cobweb" effect.

This is the finished wall painting:

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